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Suspension #1 Upgrade: 2″ Front Lift + Front Wheel Alignment of Caster, Camber and Toe In


Elevate your truck’s profile with a precision-engineered 2″ front lift, striking the perfect balance between the front and rear. Upon installation of the 2″ lift, it’s crucial to align the front end to guarantee optimal performance and longevity for your vehicle’s new front suspension. Our alignment service meticulously adjusts the Caster, Camber, and Toe of the wheels, ensuring unparalleled driving dynamics and maximizing tire lifespan.

SKU: 12B-TR-S1 Categories: ,

Key features of our 2" Front Lift Kit:

Enhanced Ground Clearance

With a 2-inch lift at the front, your truck gains valuable ground clearance, allowing you to conquer rugged terrain with ease. Whether navigating rocky trails or cruising through urban landscapes, this lift kit provides the clearance to tackle any obstacle. It's perfect for lifted trucks that require that extra boost in clearance.

Improved Off-Road Capability

Elevating the front lifts of your truck enhances its appearance and significantly improves its off-road performance. Increasing clearance allows you to traverse larger obstacles without worrying about scraping or damaging the undercarriage. This lift kit is ideal for those seeking to enhance their off-road experience.

Leveling Effect

This lift kit effectively levels your truck's stance, correcting the factory rake and providing a more balanced and aggressive look. Say goodbye to the nose-down appearance and hello to a sleek and leveled profile. Lift-level kits like this one ensure your truck looks its best.

Easy Installation

Engineered for hassle-free installation, our truck lift kit comes with all the necessary hardware and detailed instructions, allowing you to upgrade your vehicle's suspension system with confidence. No specialized tools or extensive modifications are required. For those searching for "truck lifts near me," this kit is the perfect solution.


Complementing the lift kit is our Front Wheel Alignment service, which ensures precision in three crucial aspects:

Caster Alignment

Proper caster alignment enhances steering stability and returnability, ensuring your truck tracks straight and true, especially at higher speeds. By optimizing the caster angle, we improve both handling and tire wear. It's essential for the best-lifted trucks out there.

Camber Alignment

Correct camber alignment is essential for maintaining even tire wear and maximizing grip during cornering. Our alignment service ensures that your truck's camber angles are adjusted to factory specifications, promoting optimal performance and safety. It's a must for lifted dually trucks.

Toe Alignment

Precise toe alignment ensures that your truck's wheels are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the ground when viewed from above. This alignment minimizes tire wear and ensures straight-line stability, contributing to a smoother and safer driving experience. It's crucial for any truck, especially those with lift kits.


By combining our 2 Truck Front Lift Kit with Front Wheel Alignment of Caster, Camber, and Toe, you can unlock the full potential of your Truck, whether you're tackling off-road trails or cruising the city streets. Experience improved performance, enhanced aesthetics, and unmatched versatility with this comprehensive upgrade package. Upgrade your ride today and elevate your driving experience to new heights.


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